By Javeria Ahmed
door creaked as Sivim pushed it open and peeked inside. The old warehouse
smelled of rotten leaves and the air was heavy with dust and vapour. On reflex
Sivim clutched the package closer to her chest, as if trying to hide it from an
invisible eye.
watched his ex girlfriend walk straight into the trap he had set for her. A
knowing smile spread across his face and he rubbed his hands with glee, and
anticipated the coming minutes.
hair on Sivim's nape stood on edge and the night hair made sounds like a pack
of wolves howling at the same time. Sweat started trickling down her
face and she wiped if off the back of her hand.
skipped across the road separating the warehouse from him, his mind replaying
the plan for about the thousandth time, where he was the cat and Sivim the
spun around as she felt a shadow creep up behind her, all she could see was a
maze of cardboard boxes surrounding her from all sides and she was smack in the
crouched behind the cardboard boxes and slid his hand under his black, leather
jacket calmed by the familiar feel of cool metal against his hand.
the slow, never ending minutes passed, Sivim felt more confused and disoriented
than ever. Her end started spinning and she looked around her for some support.
The air in the warehouse was still and intense, as if it was waiting, watching
their lives.
saw his golden chance shining brightly in front of him. Memories of how
brutally she had broken his heart started playing across his mind. His heart started
pounding, his eyes became red with anger and his blood starting boiling with
rage. He crept up behind her and slowly pressed the revolver to Sivim's back.
felt the cold metal rest against her back, and closed her eyes. Goose bumps
rose on her hands as she heard the cold, menacing, but familiar voice,
"You're gone."
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