Info for Inkistanis

Participation Info

'Blog participation', as our teacher puts it, is important, and will probably count towards your Language grade. To post a comment, click on the comments link below each post. Please be sure to include your name in your comments as this makes it easier for certain people monitoring this blog to know who wrote what.
By clicking on the Categories link on top, you can choose to only read a certain kind of material.
You are advised to critique the posted pieces, to give constructive criticism and, more importantly, enjoy yourselves!

Submission Info

Only material approved by Ms. Shazaf finds its way into this blog. If you find the words 'Please blog this' on a homework assignment or test paper when it has been checked and returned to you, please do not hesitate to submit it.
To submit material, you must email the piece to Ms. Shazaf who will then forward it to the blog moderator after review. When submitting, please be sure to paste the text directly onto the email rather than sending it as an attachment as this text is far easier to format and carries a minimal virus threat.
Please note also that, since the moderator is an A2, they are very likely to be overwhelmed by the workload at any given time and, so, it might take up to three weeks before a submission appears on the blog. Be patient.